Rapper C Blu to be tried as a Juvenile on charges of shooting a police officer

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Camrin “C Blu” Williams is a 16 year old New York rapper.

C Blu is charged with shooting a NYPD officer.

The Bronx Court decided that C Blu should be tried as a juvenile instead of as an adult.

The Judge Naita Semaj stated that although C Blu possessed a firearm officers had no legal justification to approach, detain or search him.

The police reported that C Blu was a member of a crowd acting in a disorderly fashion.

The police reported that the confrontation began because C Blu would not remove his hands from his pockets on command.

C Blu is accused of shooting himself in the leg and then hitting an officer in the leg with the same bullet.

Both were hospitalized; Both have recovered.

The Judge stated that the relevant video footage did not support the police version of events or the culpability of C Blu in shooting the officer.

The Judge considered the credibility of the relevant officer or officers in deciding whether to have C Blu tried as an adult.

C Blu was originally charged as an adult with illegal weapon possession, criminal assault and addition weapon related charges.